Our furniture

... are from Scheurer RaumConcepte. Thanks for the great implementation.

Stuhl Nava, ohne Absteppung  

von Girsberger

Tisch, Platte Eiche geölt  

Alma Tisch klein  

von Softline

Moai Sessel  

von Softline

Moai Sofa  

von Softline

Sitzhocker Opera 2 groß  

von Softline

Aussenstuhl Numo mit Kufen  

von Aeris
Bread and chairs stands for the interplay of craft and design. That's why we chose a great partner for our facility. You like something? Then ask us for a business card or contact Scheurer RaumConcepte directly: www.scheurer-rc.de or einrichtung@scheurer-rc.de Please do not add to cart.
All prices include the statutory VAT.

Brot und Stühle & Oh My Waffle!

Judenhof 389073 Ulm Phone +49 731 14390100Email lecker@busulm.de

Opening times

Mon & Sat, Sun09:00 - 16:00

 - 09:00 - 14:00
different opening hours